If a drought were to occur, food security in a region would not be safe, as the quantity of crops, livestock and other farming goods would be insufficient, as there would not be enough water to feed livestock or grow crops. People would have to force themselves to kill their livestock for food or money to survive the drought, droughts can last days, weeks, months or even years and can affect people’s lives with farmers lives if there is a drought there are a huge amount of crops and livestock dying and selling or eating them will only last for a few weeks. Even if there is food they are either dry or raw meaning that it will be unreliable to the consumers releasing food poising and other diseases. If there is a lack of food and decent food the price of food would go way up and other “lower class” people will have less access to the food and they will struggle surviving and affect their lives.

So the conclusion here is that drought affect food by many things quantity quality and the price of the food which will affect other people in many ways.




  No Poverty. Extreme poverty has been cut by more than half since 1990- however, more than 1 in 5 people live on less than $1.25 a day
·       Zero hunger. Globally, 1 in 9 people are undernourished, the vast majority of these people live in developing countries
·       Good health and wellbeing. An important target is to substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from pollution-related diseases.
·       Quality education Target 1 "By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and Goal-4 effective learning outcomes"- shows the commitment to non-discriminatory education outcomes
·        Gender equality Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large
·       Clan water and sanitation.  Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
·       Affordable and clean energy. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
·       Decent work and economic growth. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
·       Industry, innovation and infrastructure.  Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
·       Reduce inequalities Reduce income inequality within and among countries.
·       Sustainable cities and development. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
·       Responsible consumption and production ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
·       Climate action. make urgent action to combat climate difference and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy
·       Life below water.  Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
·       Life on land Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
·       Peace, justice and strong institutions Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
·       Partnerships for the goals Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
As of August 2015, there were 169 proposed targets for these goals and 304 proposed indicators to show compliance. 



I got these facts from wikipedia.


Food insecurity has emerged as a global crisis following the global economic meltdown.

 According to the 2004 report of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the state of food insecurity in the world, more than 814 million people in developing countries are undernourished.

 Of these people, 204 million live in countries of sub-Saharan Africa, including South Africa.Despite the political and economic advances seen in South Africa since 1994, the country is plagued by poverty and unemployment and, following the recent global economic crisis, by steep food and fuel prices, high-energy tariffs and increasing interest rates.

 These adverse conditions have placed severe pressure on ordinary South Africans already struggling to meet their basic household needs. Thus, a proper definition of the term “food insecurity” and measures that are suitable for the South African context must be urgently developed.
Food security is said to exist, in accordance with its international definition, when in a society all people at all times have enough food for an active, healthy life.

 Food security as an umbrella term includes: (i) the availability of food that is nutritious and safe; (ii) an assured ability to procure and acquire food of good quality in a socially acceptable way (e.g. without resorting to emergency food supplies, scavenging, stealing or similar coping strategies). In contrast, food insecurity exists when food is not easily accessible and households have difficulty securing adequate food.
In recent years particular attention has been paid to access to food and its measurement. This stems from the realization that even when food is available in markets, it may not be accessible to specific households.

According to Davids, after 10 years of democracy a large proportion of South Africans still perceive themselves as lacking enough income to meet all their household needs. “Access” has been defined as a household’s ability to acquire enough food of sufficient quality to have all of its members meet their nutritional requirements and lead productive lives.

Millions of dollars are spent annually on food aid programmes intended to alleviate hunger and poverty. For these programmes to work effectively, households at greatest risk of food insecurity have to be identified by means of an objective and accurate indicator of food access and food availability at the household level. The Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project (CCHIP) index, the household dietary diversity score and the food variety score are among the measures developed for this purpose in USA.




Food security is the state of having reliable access to sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

 Food security looks at the combination of the following three main elements:

Food availability:

Food must be available in sufficient quantities and on a consistent basis.It considers stock and production in a given area and the capacity to bring in food from elsewhere, through trade or aid.

Food access:

People must be able to regularly acquire adequate quantities of food, through purchase, home production, barter, gifts, borrowing or food aid.

Food utilization:

Consumed food must have a positive nutritional impact on people. It entails cooking, storage and hygiene practices, individuals ‘health, water and sanitation, feeding and sharing practices within the household.

Now that we know what food security is, let's take a look at how window farms increase it
Window farms are extremely important for food security, as they take up very little space.  Currently there is decreasing amount of space on the planet, and window farms is a way of resolving it. It can be built by the rich or the poor, and house hold objects can be used to construct it. You can grow your own food (nutritious) in a small space, for cheap. It is perfect for food security. Your produce can also be sold at markets, and if you are poor, this will help you tremendously, also spreading  awareness to fellow poor people to start their own window farm.

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